Your FREE Online Resource for Job Hunting Resources and FREE Resume Templates!


Sample Resume 1
Sample Resume 2
Sample Resume 3
Sample Resume 4
Sample Resume 5
Interviewing Tips

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been searching around the internet, looking for some good resources for finding a job. I was stunned to find that simple searches for things like “Sample Resumes” turned-up an endless array of crap–from dead links, to sites filled with nothing but pop-up ads. Worst of all, it seemed like every other site wanted me to register–and disclose a ton of information–before I could get access to the junk.

So, with that experience behind me, I’ve set out to create a site with resources for helping every day people find a new job. I will work to add free sample resumes, free interviewing tips and interviewing techniques. In addition, I will he happy to provide links to any *relevant* external sites.

In return, all I ask for is your feedback. I won’t ever ask you for your personal information, for money, or for you to deal with intrusive ads. If you like the site, the best compliment you can give is to pass on the link: post it on your local craig’s list, share it on your own blog, or post it to your facebook/myspace profile.

My goal is to provide free and relevant information for all you job seekers out there. Enjoy!

Free Downloadable Resume Templates for Microsoft Word and Writer

More Free Downloadable Resume Templates for Microsoft Word and Writer
Free Sample Cover Letters
Free Interviewing Techniques and Other Interviewing and Job Hunting Materials

Copyright Notice: You are free--and encouraged--to reproduce and redistribute the information that you find on for your own use. The only thing that I ask in return is that you link back to this site and/or refer people here.

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